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Bio Cran Probiotic 60 capsules - SupHerb

Retail price: $36.80
Our price: $22.10

  SupHerb - Bio Cran Cranberry and Probiotics

"Vitamin Global" is proud to present Bio Cran - Cranberry and Probiotics Formula for Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

Urinary tract infections, and especially urinary bladder infections (UTI-Cystitis), are some of the most common infections, affecting women five times more often than men.
In many cases, the infections become chronic (most women with a history of urinary tract infections will suffer from this problem at least once a year) and are treated primarily with antibiotics.
Urinary tract infections occur when the urinary bladder is attacked by bacteria originating in the colon. The disease is more common in women because of the anatomic proximity to the anus.
The customary treatment of urinary tract infections is the administration of antibiotics and drinking plenty of fluids.
Prolonged use of antibiotics leads to the development of virulent species of bacteria in the colon and the ureters, which become resistant to antibiotics, and the development of vaginal fungi caused by changes in the balance of the flora in the colon and vagina.

For this purpose, SupHerb has developed a unique natural formula for treating inflammations and infections of the urinary tract, mainly for preventing their recurrence, called Bio Cran.


  • A unique combination of cranberries and probiotics
  • Effective treatment of urinary tract infections
  • Preventing recurrence
  • Reduced risk of the development of virulent bacteria species due to antibiotic treatment.

Probiotic Bacteria Species Specific for the Treatment of UTIs

Antibiotics, administered for the treatment of urinary tract infections, destroy the friendly bacteria that inhabit the digestive system, which is an integral part of the normal digestive system, and thus disrupt the delicate balance of the intestinal and vaginal flora, contributing to the proliferation of bacteria, yeast, and fungi. There are hundreds of different species of bacteria in the digestive system. The two primary species are Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium, the first microorganisms to colonize the infant`s intestines after birth.

The Bio Cran formula contains 3 species of probiotic bacteria:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum
  • Streptococcus thermophilus

Standardized Cranberry Extract
Many studies conducted over the years provide evidence of the effectiveness of cranberries both in the treatment and prevention of urinary tract infections.

Various studies have demonstrated that the active components found in the cranberries prevent the binding of specific elements on the bacterium`s envelope to the cells of the mucosa lining the urinary tract, and thus prevent the "settling" of the bacteria on the walls of the urinary tract and the development of infection.

The cranberry fruit contains proanthocyanins, components found in cranberries and blueberries, which have been identified as the compounds responsible for preventing the adherence of bacteria to cells. These active components disrupt the binding of specific elements on the bacterium`s envelope to the cells of the mucosa lining the urinary tract and thus prevent infection and inflammation.

The cranberry extract (Vaccinum macrocarpon) in the Bio Cran formula is a patented cranberry extract, extracted from the whole fruit, dried without preservatives, and standardized.

Antibiotics are not effective enough to heal urinary tract infections, and certainly not to prevent their recurrence. That is why it is so important to use cranberry extract after treatment to prevent recurrence of the infection, which is very common in this disease.

Each SupHerb Bio Cran Formula capsule contains:

Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) Ext.........................280 mg
(Organic acid [35%]), Ouinic acid [6%], Anthocyanins [0.6%])
Vitamin C.........................................................................60 mg
L. acidophilus..................................................................700 million viable microorganisms
B. bifidum........................................................................700 million viable microorganisms
S. thermophilus...............................................................700 million viable microorganisms

Recommended Usage: 1 - 3 capsules, per day.

Contents: 60 capsules.

Storage Instructions: This product is highly stable at room temperature, in a cool, shaded place.

Made in Israel 

Pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as individuals taking prescription medications, should consult a healthcare professional before use. Keep out of reach of children.
This information is not intended to replace professional medical advice.

  • Barcode: 7290006488572
  • Shipping Weight: 0.27kg
  • Manufactured by: SupHerb - Natural Food Supplements

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