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Bio Female Probiotic Formula 60 capsules - SupHerb

Retail price: $40.90
Our price: $24.50

  SupHerb - Bio Female
A probiotic formula specially for women

SupHerb is proud to present Bio Female, a special probiotic formula to enhance women's health containing 10 billion "friendly" microorganisms that support a balanced intestinal and vaginal ecology. The term "probiotic" comes from Greek and means literally "pro-life." It refers to "friendly" microorganisms such as lactobacillus and bifidum bacteria, which are important for maintaining the microbial balance in the digestive tract and vagina.

The development and proliferation of these "good" microorganisms in the digestive tract and vagina are vital to the body's cleansing processes and for maintaining good health in women. The probiotic bacteria maintain healthy intestinal and vaginal microflora in several ways: competition for food sources, competition for sources of sustenance, production of antibiotic substances that prevent pathogenic bacteria from proliferating, and production of lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) that create an acidic environment which neutralizes or inhibits the activities of undesirable and harmful organisms.

Research shows that taking probiotic supplements causes an increase in the count of these friendly microorganisms in the intestines and in the vagina, along with a decrease in the numbers of pathogenic bacteria and yeast fungus (Candida). The enormous importance of taking probiotics is demonstrated by many scientific works that indicate the connection between an imbalance in the intestinal ecology due to poor nutrition or stress, and various pathological conditions such as digestive problems, hormonal imbalances, and recurrent vaginal infections.

Probiotics are an important nutritional supplement for women; they should be taken in many health situations, not just in situations of vital necessity related to or associated with the taking of antibiotics. Probiotics contribute greatly to health - from preventing digestive problems, through treating vaginal infections (vaginosis, vaginitis) and eradicating fungi by restoring helpful intestinal bacteria, to strengthening and supporting the immune system.

The complexity of the female system causes women to suffer more than men from problems connected with an imbalance of the intestinal microflora, which is directly related to an imbalance of the vaginal microflora.

Many women suffer from recurrent vaginal infections after taking antibiotics; due to diabetes, prolonged use of oral contraceptives, sexual intercourse and hormonal changes during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.

Taking drugs such as Metronidazole to treat bacterial infections (BV - bacterial vaginosis) or Fluconazole to treat Candida often does not succeed and leads to recurrence of the infection.

Principal uses:
Vaginal infections are the most common reasons for visits to gynecologists. The typical symptoms of these vaginal infections are profuse discharge, odor, itching and burning.
There are three main types of vaginal infections:
Bacterial infections (BV).

Bacterial infections and Candida, due to the growth of the Candida albicans fungus, are caused by a disruption of the natural balance of the vaginal flora. Trichomoniasis is a urinary (urogenital) infection caused by single-cell organisms called protozoa and is characterized by painful urination. Proper treatment of the problem is likely to help most women and to save them the trouble of repeated visits to the doctor.

Vaginal infections occur mainly due to the use of various drugs, poor nutrition and stress. These prolonged situations may change the delicate balance of the natural intestinal and vaginal flora, both by a change in acidity / basicity of the vagina and by the direct destruction of the friendly bacteria. As a result of a change in the delicate balance of the vaginal flora, pathogenic (disease-generating) bacteria and yeast fungi proliferate, changing the vaginal ecology by modifying vaginal acidity and releasing toxins.

Candidal vaginitis
The Candida fungus is the main cause of vaginal infection. Candida albicans is a yeast-like parasitic fungus which exists permanently in the digestive system and in the female reproductive system.
In the optimal situation, in which the intestinal and vaginal flora are balanced, millions of positive bacteria, such as bifidum and lactobacillus, meticulously regulate the Candida population in the vagina and the intestine. The appearance of Candida albicans is common after taking antibiotics, steroids and/or oral contraceptives, as well as before menstruation and during pregnancy.

Maintaining intestinal and vaginal hygiene
Research shows that there is a clear connection between the presence of lactobacillus in the intestines and their existence in the vagina. Maintaining a balanced intestinal bacterial population that produces organic acid prevents infections of the digestive tract and inhibits the development of pathogenic bacteria and yeast fungi in the large intestine, thus preventing them from passing into the vagina and bladder.

Supporting pregnancy and nursing
Taking probiotics during pregnancy and nursing helps to ease the digestive problems to which pregnant women are prone, prevents hemorrhoids and heartburn and helps to protect against the growth of Candida albicans, which typically occurs during pregnancy.

Research conducted on women who underwent IVF treatment indicates that there is a connection between BV vaginal infections and the near-doubled risk of miscarriage in the first trimester.

A deficiency of lactobacillus bacteria in the vagina leads to the development of vaginal infections (bacterial vaginosis) and to an increase in the incidence of premature birth (PTB).

According to a leading researcher in the field of probiotics, Dr. G. Reid, "strains of lactobacillus bacteria are capable of repopulating the vagina after oral administration or insertion into the vagina, replacing and killing pathogens, including Gardnerella vaginalis and e.coli, and balancing balance the immune system so that it will prevent the mechanism leading to premature births. There is a strong scientific basis for requiring the use of probiotics in pregnant women."

Evidence from research
More than a billion women around the world suffer from urogenital infections every year. The scope of the problem and the constant increase in the drug-resistance of the pathogens contribute to the need to find other ways to solve the problem.

In a random, placebo-dependent study, 64 healthy women received one capsule a day of a mixture of various lactobacilli, including Lactobacillus rhamnosus, for 60 days. Microscopic analysis showed rehabilitation from a state of asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis to a state of normal microflora populated by lactobacilli among 37% of the women in the research group, compared to 13% in the control group.

After 28 days, the analysis indicated a significant decrease in the populations of yeast (Candida) and coliforms. Additional tests performed 60 days and 90 days after treatment showed an additional decrease in the population of yeast and coliforms.

This indicates that taking a combination that includes various strains of lactobacilli is not only safe for use by healthy women, but also helps reduce the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and yeast fungi in the vagina.

"Taking into account the scope of the problem and the rate of urogenital infections in women shows that this subject is not getting the required attention in research. This issue has recently arisen as a result of the resistance of bacteria to drugs and because of women's demand for better treatment. We now know that the intestines and the urogenital flora are essential and critical for women's health. The concept of repopulating the flora with the help of probiotic microorganisms is an excellent option backed with scientific facts. We must choose and aim for rehabilitation of the urogenital system by taking probiotic bacteria. The facts show that probiotic treatment has the potential to affect women's health."

The advantages of the Bio Female formula
Bio Female combines 5 strains of high-quality probiotic bacteria with proven effectiveness and ability to treat vaginal infections. The capacity of these bacteria for implantation in the intestines and vagina has been proven in laboratory tests.

The first source of the formula strains are strains found in 2- to 6-month-old infants whose nutrition consisted solely of breast milk.
The microorganisms in the Bio Female formula undergo a freeze drying and double protein coating process, which ensures survival in the acidic conditions of the stomach and implantation and proliferation in the intestine and vagina without any decrease in their bioavailability. The option of the strains of bacteria and the decision to amplify their strength stemmed from the results of the latest research in probiotic food supplements.
The broad variety of microorganism strains and the high number of microorganisms in each capsule contribute to the ability of normal probiotic flora to proliferate in both the intestine and the vagina. Moreover, a higher dose of microorganisms constitutes a clear therapeutic advantage.

About microorganisms
There are very many types of friendly microorganisms. The Bio Female formula contains the most essential and well-researched strains in the context of women's health:

Lactobacillus acidophilus
This bacteria naturally populates the small and large intestines and is also found in the mouth and the vagina. Lactobacillus acidophilus inhibits and disrupts the activities of undesirable microorganisms in the intestines and vagina by creating lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and inhibits the products of undesirable microorganisms, by means of a unique competitive mechanism, helping to destroy harmful bacteria by producing a natural antibiotic substance (bactericides).

Lactobacillus casei
Lactobacillus casei bacteria have the ability to accelerate the immune response of the vaginal mucosa and control the influx of pathogenic bacteria. For this reason, these bacteria are currently under research, with a view to producing a vaccine against sexually transmitted diseases.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus
Lactobacillus rhamnosus constitutes a natural component of the intestinal and vaginal microflora. Rhamnosus bacteria are among the most closely studied strains in the world of probiotics and have been proven to have a very positive effect on health.

Studies show that rhamnosus bacteria are capable of proliferating in the vagina and can balance the microbial flora of the vagina when orally administered.

Many reports in the Canadian Journal of Microbiology show that rhamnosus bacteria can reduce fungal vaginitis and urinary infections. A direct connection has recently been found between lactobacillus deficiency in the vagina and sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS and bacterial vaginosis.

The European Journal of Oral Sciences reports that rhamnosus can suppress the growth of many pathogenic bacteria, including streptococci. It appears that lactobacillus rhamnosus can be considered as one of the most important positive microorganisms, if not the most important of them all, in maintaining healthy intestinal and vaginal microflora.

Internal treatment: 1-2 Bio Female capsules per day, swallowed.
External treatment: For local relief of symptoms, mix an aloe vera drink with one capsule of Bio Female. Dip a tampon into the mixture, insertinto the vagina and leave in place for about an hour.

Each capsule of SupHerb's Bio Female contains FOS & 10 billion viable microorganisms:
FOS ........................... 300mg
L. acidophilus
L. rhamnosus
L. casei
L. reuteri 
L. gasserie

Size: 60 capsules

Made in Israel


This information does not constitute medical advice and is not indicatory. In case of a medical problem, contact your physician. 

  • Barcode: 7290010030569
  • Shipping Weight: 0.22kg
  • Manufactured by: SupHerb - Natural Food Supplements

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